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/ CICA 1995 February / CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (February 1995) (Disc 1).iso / disc1 / misc / wols37.zip

File Comment
          ╞╪░▒▓█                                      │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█           Windows OnLine(tm)         │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█ ──────────────────────────────────── │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█  Publisher of: WinOnLine(TM) Review  │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█       and the Shareware Edition      │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█    (The Windows online magazines)    │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█         Also acclaimed to be         │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█    "The Worlds Best Windows BBS"     │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█ ──────────────────────────────────── │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█    (18) Lines with voice support     │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█  All lines, High Speed US Robotics   │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█      26,000+ Windows 3.x Files       │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█      Windows, OS/2 & Dos Files       │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█         (510) 736-8343 BBS           │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█         (510) 736-4376 Voice         │█▓▒░╪╡
          ╞╪░▒▓█         (510) 736-8397 Fax           │█▓▒░╪╡
░▒ WinOnLine Review SHAREWARE EDITION #37 ░▒
▒▓ The ORIGINAL WinHelp Magazine 01/17/94 ▒▓
▒▓ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ Feature Review on **MEGAWORD** ▒▓
░▒  ▄█   █ Word for Win Tools & Utilities ░▒
▒▓ ▄▄█   █ BRIEFS on CD PLAYER, AUDIO LAB ▒▓
░▒ calculator, TIME & MONEY TRACKER, and· ░▒

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
WOLRS37.HLP Windows Help File 52 399KB 1994-01-11

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 10 458b 1994-01-11
README.TXT Text File 78 3KB 1994-01-11